
generally you can simply use either double or single quotes to check for string equivalence "".

Test for type string

You can test that you have a string by using the string type test

p`string`("I am a string!"); // true
p`string`(1234); // false
p`string`("I am a string!");

Test string length

You can test both the type and length of strings and arrays by using the length syntax:

p`string[5]`("12345"); // true
p`string[5]`("1234"); // false

You can also have any numeric test to apply to the strings length.

p`string[<5]`("1234"); // true
p`string[<5 | > 20]`("123456"); // false

Empty Strings

Checking for empty strings:

p`''`(""); // true
p`""`(""); // true
p`""`("Not empty"); // false

String literals

You can check for string literals.

p`'Hello pdsl!'`("Hello pdsl!"); // true
p`"Hello pdsl!"`("Hello pdsl!"); // true
p`'Hello pdsl!'`("Hello pdsl!");

Discriminated Unions

You can check a list of discriminated unions using the | operator.

p`"Doctor" | "Lawyer" | "Dentist" | "Teacher"`("Doctor"); // true
p`"Doctor" | "Lawyer" | "Dentist" | "Teacher"`("Politician"); // false
p`"Doctor" | "Lawyer" | "Dentist" | "Teacher"`("Doctor");

Escaping characters

You can escape characters by using alternative quotes.

p`"This string contains \`backticks\`"`("This string contains `backticks`"); // true