Helpers (experimental)

NOTE: This should be considered unsafe API for the time being as it may change.

PDSL provides a number of helpers that can be exported from the pdsl/helpers package and may be used standalone or as part of a p expression.

import { Email, pred, btw, gt, regx } from "pdsl/helpers";

btw(1, 10)(20); // false
regx(/^foo/)("food"); // true
gt(100)(100); // false
gte(100)(100); // true
pred(9)(9); // true
pred(9)(10); // false
pred(Email)(""); // true
pred(Number)(1); // true
pred(String)("Hello"); // true

Available helpers:

Helper Description PDSL Operator
and Logical AND a & b or a && b
btw Between 10 < < 100
btwe Between or equals 10..100
deep Deep equality N/A
gt Greater than > 5
gte Greater than or equals >= 5
lt Less than < 5
lte Less than equals <= 5
not Logical NOT !6
or Logical OR a \| b or a \|\| b
pred Select the correct predicate based on input ${myVal}
prim Primitive typeof checking Array etc.
regx Regular expression predicate ${/^foo/}
val Strict equality N/A